Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Product Funnel Creation - 5 Marvelous Secrets to Improve Your Product Funnel Creation

Product Funnel Creation - 5 Marvelous Secrets to Improve Your Product Funnel Creation
By [http://ezinearticles.com/?expert=Sean_R_Mize]Sean R Mize

Are you not making enough sales through your product funnel? Then, it's high time that you do some improvements. Here's what you can do:

1. Improve your product line. Check your low-end, middle-end, and high-end products. Make sure that they are working as designed and that they are worth every penny. If not, improve them to make them more useful, more effective, and more valuable to they eyes of your target market. Also, make sure that they are way better compare to similar products being offered online. By doing this, you can make your offerings more saleable.

2. Generate leads. You will need to do this on a daily basis to increase your chances of making a sale. Do cold calls, resort to email blast, and advertise like crazy. The more attention you generate, the better.

3. Communicate the benefits of your products. This is the best way to get your prospects to buy from you. Tell them ahead of time what they can expect to get from your offerings so they'll know what they'll be getting in exchange of their money.

4. Make your clients happy. This is the secret to move these people farther down to your funnel. If they feel that they are getting great value for their money and if they are having a great time doing business with you, you can be assured that they'll come back over and over again.

5. Feedback. If you are clueless as to what you are doing wrong, get your clients to help you out. Encourage them to send in their feedback and suggestions so you'll know what improvements you need to make.

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Sean Mize teaches coaches, consultants, and small business owners how to package their knowledge and sell it in high priced coaching, consulting, and online class packages. Sean says "If you have an existing marketable service or skill that you can teach others, I can teach you to package it into a high-priced class or coaching program, guaranteed"

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Sean_R_Mize http://EzineArticles.com/?Product-Funnel-Creation---5-Marvelous-Secrets-to-Improve-Your-Product-Funnel-Creation&id=2746300

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